How Flen Municipality unlocked their creativity with Videobuddy

The Company

The Flen Municipality is governed by politicians elected directly by the citizens and operates under a structured system comprising administration staff. The purpose of the Municipality is to effectively govern and administer the affairs of the local community, which includes providing essential public services, such as education, healthcare, social welfare, transportation, and infrastructure development, to enhance the quality of life for residents.

The Struggle

Flen Municipality had been grappling with a modern-day challenge: how to simplify and streamline the process of creating impactful videos. From social media to advertising campaigns, a website and a learning management system in the works, The Municipality was seeking a solution that would streamline their video content creation process, making it simpler and faster. They knew that to effectively engage their community, as well as employees they needed to communicate in the most receptive format now: videos!

When we became videobuddies

The journey to integrate video content into both their internal and external communication strategy began with a simple conversation. Considering the current capabilities of the team and the marketing budgets, The Municipality’s marketing team leader recognized the need for an easy-to-use, budget friendly yet super-efficient video making tool, and so began the search!


During their search period, while exploring multiple platforms, the team came across Videobuddy and arranged a demonstration with one of Videobuddy’s sales representatives. Captivated by its potential, they explored the possibility of cost-sharing with the HR department, envisioning broader usage across the organization.


As the marketing team compared VideoBuddy with other platforms, its simplicity and user-friendliness stood out. But most importantly, Videobuddy offered an interface that appealed to team members with limited video editing knowledge. This accessibility opened doors for more individuals across the organization to contribute to content creation.


With Videobuddy being widely used at Flen Municipality, creativity flourished. The platform's efficiency, coupled with its extensive library of ready-made videos, unlocked a wave of inspiration. Every team member, at every level of video making competency, found herself crafting engaging content with unprecedented speed, enriching their messages and connecting more deeply with their audience.


The impact of Videobuddy on the organization’s communication efforts has been undeniably positive. External stakeholders and internal staff members alike have praised the light-hearted and humorous approach to delivering news, a tonal identity that became possible and easy to develop using the platform’s customizable templates.

When asked about how she sees the video marketing strategy at the Municipality evolve in the future, Sofia Holmqvist, the marketing manager was excited to experiment and incorporate the AI features of Videobuddy in their execution.


“AI will obviously play a major role in our communication. Your platform is a candidate if you continue to develop it, perhaps in the future also using AI to create "unique" images based on the theme chosen by the user. Who knows what the future holds? :)”

Sofia Holmqvist, communication strategist at Flen Municipality


During the same conversation the question of which three features of the platform turned them from explorers of its potential to staunch believers came up and Sofia mentioned the following:

1) Quick functionality: Videobuddy's rapid operation allows for swift content creation, enabling the team to produce all types of videos efficiently.

2) Ease of use: The platform's user-friendly interface makes video creation possible, even for individuals with very limited technical expertise

3) Versatility: Videobuddy offers a diverse range of features and tools, providing them with the flexibility to adapt their videos to various communication needs and styles.

Sofia Holmqvist
Communication Strategist


Internally, the utilization of Videobuddy has yielded a noticeable surge in engagement levels, particularly when delivering news and updates. Team members have embraced video content as a more engaging means of communication, fostering greater interaction and interest within the organization. The marketing team at the Municipality is also hopeful about its impact on social media metrics. “Given the relatively short duration of our video content endeavors, we anticipate that tracking metrics over time will provide a more comprehensive understanding of its efficacy in external communication channels.” Sofia Holmqvist, communication strategist at Flen Municipality

Explore how Videobuddy can address your company’s unique video dilemmas.

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