Lights, camera, 10 quick B2B explainer videos animations!

Discover high impact, low-cost ways of making B2B explainer videos to make your corporate comms unboring!

23rd June 2024

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Despite the high costs traditionally associated with professional-grade videos, this post will guide you through cost-effective, low-effort animation techniques e.g. as dynamic text animations, transitions, zoom effects etc. to create impactful explainer videos affordably, ensuring your messages are not only seen but remembered. Apply these insights using Videobuddy and make content that doesn't need a lot of explaining from sales (pun intended)

In this blog, you will learn:

  • Explainer videos can boost landing page conversions by up to 80% and improve content retention to 95%.
  • Originally popular in tech, explainer videos are now effectively used in sectors like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing to simplify complex information.
  • New low-effort animation techniques enable the creation of quality explainer videos at a reduced cost, making them accessible for more businesses.

If B2B marketing had its own league of superheroes, explainer videos would be the fearless leader, donning a cape and swooping in to save the day.

Imagine landing on a webpage and being greeted not by a wall of text but by a dynamic video. It’s no minor tweak—it’s a game changer. Embedding a video on your landing page could rocket your conversions sky-high—up to 80% higher, to be precise (HubSpot, 2023). But the superpowers of explainer videos stretch even further. Insivia reports that viewers hold onto a staggering 95% of a video’s message, compared to the paltry 10% retained from reading text. That's not just better; it's superhuman! In email marketing, including a video can blast your click-through rates by a heroic 200-300%.

So, B2B explainer videos are more than just a trendy gadget; they're the MVPs of the marketing playbook. With their knack for simplifying the complex and making an indelible mark on the audience, they don’t just tell your business story; they make it unforgettable, ensuring it sticks.

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What type of B2B companies use explainer videos?

Explainer videos started as the tech industry's secret weapon but have since taken the whole professional world by storm. Here’s how different sectors are making the most of these dynamic tools:

  • Healthcare organizations are turning to explainer videos to demystify everything from new treatments to patient care pathways. Imagine a video that makes complex medical procedures as easy to understand as a recipe video—increasing patient comprehension and comfort all at once.
  • Manufacturing companies are using these videos to bring the intricate details of their machinery and processes to life. Instead of dry manuals, a vibrant explainer video can take you on a virtual tour of an assembly line, illustrating complex manufacturing steps with simplicity and flair.
  • Financial firms have found explainer videos invaluable for decoding the dense world of financial services. These videos transform the cryptic language of finance into clear, actionable advice, helping clients navigate through investment options or understand insurance policies without all the usual head-scratching.
  • Real estate agencies are also in the game, using explainer videos to offer virtual property tours and break down the buying process. These videos help clients visualize their choices without stepping foot inside a home.
  • Educational institutions and nonprofits are harnessing the power of explainer videos to share their missions and inspire action, making complex programs or impactful stories accessible and engaging to a broader audience.

Truly, B2B explainer videos are like the Swiss Army knives of communication—versatile, handy, and indispensable across industries. They cut through complexity to deliver clear, engaging content and no wonder, sales teams love them too!

Challenges making B2B explainer videos sustainable and cost effective

Creating B2B explainer videos might sometimes feel like directing a big-budget blockbuster. Sure, you want that polished, professional look, but the price tag and effort can be daunting. It’s not just about the initial costs—high-quality production, including hiring skilled animators or investing in top-notch software, can really make your marketing budget sweat.

  • The financial facts: Creating a top-tier explainer video often involves a significant outlay. Professional animation and video editing don’t come cheap, and for many B2B companies, especially SMBs, these costs can seem like a luxury rather than a necessity. The financial commitment doesn't stop at production; high-end editing tools and software also come with their own hefty price tags.
  • The time tango: It’s not just money—time is also a luxury. From drafting the perfect script that captures the essence of your product, to storyboarding, animating, and final edits, the journey from concept to launch can stretch far longer than you’d expect. This lengthy production cycle can be a real pain when you’re trying to move fast and break things in today’s agile business environment.
  • Keeping up with content freshness: Then there’s the issue of keeping your content fresh. In the fast-paced world of B2B, products and services are constantly evolving. What happens when your explainer video, which perfectly captured your product at launch, no longer represents its latest iteration? Suddenly, you’re back at square one, needing a new video that reflects current features and benefits, ensuring your marketing materials aren’t just good, but accurate.

Yes, but why Videobuddy?
Turning simple text into scroll-stopping videos, empowers all team members, regardless of skill levels, to bring their ideas to life—no more wisdom lost in translation.
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Low effort, high impact B2B explainer video techniques  

You might not have the budget for a blockbuster production, but with a tool like Videobuddy, you can achieve animations to get the feel and impact right!  Here are 10 granular and actionable techniques to enhance your B2B explainer videos, focusing specifically on animation elements that can elevate your content:

  1. Zoom effects: Use zoom-in effects to focus attention on key features of your product or service. This helps emphasize important details and can make explanations clearer.
  1. Character animation: Incorporate animated characters that can act as guides throughout the video. These characters can interact with the product or point out features, making the video more engaging and relatable.
  1. Text animations: Animate text to slide, fade, or pop onto the screen. This not only makes your key points stand out but also helps maintain viewer engagement throughout the video.
  1. Transitions: Use smooth and creative transitions between scenes or topics, such as fade-ins or sliding panels. This helps maintain a narrative flow and keep the content visually interesting.
  1. Icon movements: Employ moving icons to visually represent abstract concepts or to illustrate processes step-by-step. For example, a moving gear icon to represent operations or a ticking clock for processes over time.
  1. Blink effects: Utilize subtle blink effects to draw attention to specific points or to indicate on-screen changes. This can be particularly useful for highlighting changes in data or updates in product features.
  1. Infographic animation: Turn static data into dynamic infographics. Animated graphs and charts can explain trends, growth, or comparisons more vividly, making your data easy to understand.
  1. Callouts and labels: Use animated callouts or labels to point out parts of your product or highlight certain features. This can be useful for technical explanations or to underscore unique selling points.
  1. Reveal animations: Use animations that reveal text or images gradually to build curiosity and keep the viewer interested. This can be done through vertical or horizontal wipes, which are effective for revealing new information methodically.
  1. Background animation: Implement subtle background animations that don’t distract from the main content but add depth to your visuals. For example, a light shimmer or slow panning across a landscape can enhance the video’s aesthetic without overwhelming the main message.

Lights, camera, action—it’s time to let your products shine in the spotlight they deserve!